Reygar, a provider of advanced monitoring systems to the offshore renewable energy sector, has been commissioned to develop a motion comfort monitoring tool capability within BareFLEET, the company’s remote monitoring and reporting platform.
The new tool will track and analyze motion, fuel consumption and crew sickness in different cabin locations – with a specific focus on boosting safety and fitness to work aboard vessels supporting critical multi-day work at Siemens Gamesa projects.
“As wind projects move further offshore into areas of higher wind resource, it is paramount that charterers and vessel operators are equipped with the true understanding of vessel motions and personnel comfort they need to keep these projects – and the people constructing and maintaining them – performing at their best,” says Chris Huxley-Reynard, managing director at Reygar.
The proliferation of large, remote offshore wind projects – particularly in regions characterized by challenging sea conditions – has only increased the need for greater granularity around vessel data. To service these projects, technicians are required to spend more time at sea – often multiple consecutive days. It is crucial that offshore wind vessel operators are able to ensure that the well-being of the crew and technicians they transport to these projects is protected.
The BareFLEET system automatically monitors the health and performance of critical equipment across each vessel, inclusive of engine health, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, motion and impact on wind turbines. The system also allows the crew to manually input supplementary data and observations into a customer-specific digital reporting platform.
Original source: North American Wind Power