Stakeholders will be considering an issue charge introduced by PJM to guide the creation of a new method for calculating how much power certain resources may offer into the capacity market. The issue charge is set to be presented for a simultaneous first read and endorsement vote at the next meeting of the Markets & Reliability Committee. The initiative follows a … [Read more...] about Stakeholders Considering Issue Charge to Guide Storage Capability Calculation
Emissions Continue to Drop Throughout PJM Footprint
Average emissions rates fell again in 2019 across PJM’s footprint of 13 states and the District of Columbia, continuing their steady, 15-year decline. Since 2005, the carbon dioxide emissions rate has dropped 34 percent, the emissions rate from nitrogen oxides has dropped 83 percent and the sulfur dioxide emissions rate has dropped 94 percent. PJM compiles annual … [Read more...] about Emissions Continue to Drop Throughout PJM Footprint
PJM Releases 2019 Annual Planning Report
The PJM Board of Managers in 2019 approved 80 baseline transmission projects to bolster system reliability, according to PJM’s annual Regional Transmission Expansion Plan Report, released Tuesday, March 3. The RTEP report documents the critical planning work that is one of PJM’s three core functions, along with daily operations and running the wholesale … [Read more...] about PJM Releases 2019 Annual Planning Report