Clearway Energy Group and Clearway Community Solar have begun construction on the company’s first community solar projects in Illinois. The four community solar farms under construction represent 12 MW of Clearway’s 60 MW Illinois community solar portfolio and are located throughout Illinois. The projects are being constructed by Signal Energy.
“We’re proud of the team and partners who, despite this year’s challenges, were able to safely come together to break ground on Clearway’s first projects in Illinois,” says Craig Cornelius, CEO of Clearway Energy Group. “Community solar serves an important role in achieving the state’s clean energy goals and gives area residents, municipalities and businesses the option to support local clean energy and lower monthly utility bills.”
The four community solar projects represent Clearway’s first projects supported by the Illinois Shines Community Solar Program, which was designed as part of the Future Energy Jobs Act. Clearway’s community solar portfolio in Illinois will create more than 70 jobs during construction as well as permanent positions once operating and represent a significant economic investment in the state.
The projects will be placed in service in 2021. Once complete, the four community solar farms will serve more than 1,800 residential and commercial subscribers in the ComEd service territories in the greater Chicago area and beyond, including Northwestern University and the village of Fox River Grove.
Earlier this year, Clearway and Northwestern University announced the university’s long-term agreement to purchase energy from this portfolio, becoming Clearway’s first major community solar subscriber in the state. The company also announced in August the completion of its sixth community solar fund, unlocking capital for more community solar construction in Illinois and elsewhere.
With community solar options in both ComEd and Ameren service territories, residents, businesses and municipalities can support local solar generation in Illinois by subscribing to a Clearway Community Solar farm with no upfront costs and without installing equipment on their property. Participants receive solar bill credits that reduce their utility supply charges, with overall guaranteed savings.
Clearway is actively accepting new subscribers for its community solar projects in development. To learn more, click here.