Many people will have this question in mind what is green energy. Green energy refers to the use of energy that is not only more efficient than fossil fuels but also environmentally friendly. Green energy is generally defined as an energy source that is not polluted and renewable.
There are different categories of green energy. They are anaerobic digestion, wind energy, geothermal energy, small-scale hydropower, biomass energy, solar energy, and wave energy. Waste incineration can even be a green energy source.
Nuclear power plants claim that they also produce green energy, although this source is known to be full of controversy. While nuclear energy can be sustainable, it can be considered renewable and does not pollute the atmosphere while generating energy. Their waste pollutes the biosphere when it is released.
Transportation, mining, and the before and after phases of nuclear energy production produce and release carbon dioxide and similar destructive greenhouse gases. So when we read about green energy, we rarely see that it contains nuclear power.
Proponents of nuclear energy say that nuclear waste is not released into our planet’s biosphere during its normal production cycle. They also emphasize that the carbon dioxide released in the generation of nuclear energy is comparable to green energy sources such as wind power in relation to every kilowatt-hour of electricity.
Many countries offer commercial and domestic consumers the opportunity to make full use of green energy. You do this in two ways. Consumers can buy their electricity from a company that uses only renewable green energy technology, or they can buy from their general utilities, for example from the local utility company, which then buys only the amount of supply it pays from green energy resources.
The latter is generally a cheaper way to supply a house or office with green energy because the provider can take advantage of the economic benefits of bulk purchases. Green energy generally costs more per kilowatt-hour than normal fossil fuel energy.
While green energy is an important step in keeping our environment healthy and our air as free from pollutants as possible, it should be noted that it will have some negative environmental impacts regardless of energy.
Advantages of Green Energy
The generation of green energy has three advantages over conventional forms of energy. Consider the pros and cons of standard power generation and decide for yourself how best to get to a greener planet.
There are no harmful by-products for the environment
When coal is burned, high emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide arise. The latter produces acid rain, which damages metals and pollutes the world’s oceans. When coal is burned, mercury is also released, which is mainly absorbed into the natural food chain, as is the case with some species of fish.
Alternative energy solves this problem by not producing such by-products. In fact, the types of green energy sources discussed later do not produce environmentally harmful by-products.
Inexpensive solution for power generation.
The costs of generating electricity from coal, nuclear material, oil, and water are very high. Even when generating hydropower, operating, and maintaining the plant costs a lot of money. Nuclear material regulations are extremely expensive and a constant flow of fresh coal for combustion is very expensive.
We all pay these high costs through the energy bill of our energy supplier. And prices are increasing as traditional power plants are constantly trying to improve the process of decomposing bad chemicals released during production.
Green energy offers a very cost-effective solution for energy generation. Whether on a large scale or for home use, the cost is significantly lower because you or a company only pay for the materials used to build the power source. In addition to natural sources such as wind, sunlight, and magnetic sources, no fuel is required.
It offers consumers a low-cost advantage.
Society is heavily dependent on energy generation worldwide. This energy monopoly makes people pay a lot of money every year to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. During this financial slump and the extremely hot summer months, you cannot afford to play with high energy costs.
Generating your own energy from green energy sources can cost anywhere from $ 50 to less than $ 1,000 for all materials. With these sources, you can supplement your current electricity from the electricity company to reduce your electricity bill.This article have cleraly shown what is green energy.